Volunteers needed for the Arts Festival

The first Ekoji Arts Fair is scheduled to take place on May 4, 2019. Two dozen volunteers are needed to help make this event a success. If you would like to serve your Sangha while supporting the arts please use this form to sign up for the position(s) that interest you at a time that suits you. Please email ekoji.info@gmail.com for more information.

Four volunteers are still needed to set up/break down vendor tents and tables.
Two volunteers per shift are still needed to welcome artisans and guests to our fair and offer tours of the Temple if requested.
Two volunteers are still needed to prepare the Vegetable Curry dish we are serving. Recipe and ingredients will be provided.
Two to three volunteers are still needed per shift to sell pastries, coffee, tea & water in the morning and vegetable curry and beverages in the afternoon.
Two volunteers per shift are still needed to sell assorted Ekoji / Buddhist themed merchandise.
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